"Keeping the Indian Tribal Community Together: Nation Building and cultural Sovereignty in the Indian Casino Era". The Journal of American Studies. 2020. 31. 133-156
Indigenous Communities during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Fighting the “Invisibility”
(Native American and Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA) 2024)
Historicizing the Global Indigenous Movement in Japan: How Native American and Ainu Activists met in Settler Colonial Japan in 1990s.
(Organization of American History 2024)
2023/04 - Organization of American Historians Lerner Scott Prize Committee
2016/04 - 2020/03 日本アメリカ史学会 運営委員
2012/11 - 2014/10 関西アメリカ史研究会 運営委員(会計)
所属学会 (9件):
, 日本比較文化学会
, 関西アメリカ史研究会
, Native American and Indigenous Studies Association
, Organization of American Historians
, American Studies Association
, 日本アメリカ史学会
, アメリカ学会
, American Studies Association (ASA)