Jian Chen, Dominik Krengel, Daisuke Nishiura, Mikito Furuichi, Hans-Georg Matuttis. A force-displacement relation based on the JKR theory for DEM simulations of adhesive particles. Powder Technology. 2023. 427. 118742-118742
Hans-Georg Matuttis, Silvia Holler, Federica Casiraghi, Johannes Josef Schneider, Alessia Faggian, Rudolf Marcel Füchslin, Martin Michael Hanczyc. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: droplet recognition by a “shootout”-heuristics. 2021. XV
Jan Mueller, Akira Kyotani, Hans-Georg Matuttis. Grid-algorithm improvements for dense suspensions of discrete element particles in finite element fluid simulations. Proceedings to Powders & Grains 2021. 2021. 249. 09006-1-09006-4
Jian Chen, Dominik Krengel, Hans-Georg Matuttis. Experimental study of particle shape dependence of avalanches inside a rotating drum. Proceedings of Powders and Grains 2021. 2021. 249. 06001-1-06001-1
Shouta Sakamaki, Dominik Krengel, Jan Mueller, Jian Chen, Hans-Georg Matuttis. Implementation of numerically exact Coulomb friction for discrete element simulations in three dimensions. Proceedings to Powders and Grains 2021. 2021. 249. 14005-1-14005-2
Hans-Georg Matuttis. Deutsche Forscher Betreuen Deutsche Studierende. Neues vom Club (ドイツ語圏日本学術振興会研究者同窓会の雑誌). 2016. 62. 1. 6-6
Hans-Georg Matuttis. Wissenschaftlicher Gesprächskreis am 20.5.2015 im DAAD Büro Tōkyō. Neues vom Club イツ語圏日本学術振興会研究者同窓会の雑誌. 2015. 59. 2. 12-12
Hans-Georg Matuttis, Jian Chen. Understanding the Discrete Element Method: Simulation of Non-Spherical Particles for Granular and Multi-body Systems. Understanding the Discrete Element Method: Simulation of Non-Spherical Particles for Granular and Multi-body Systems. 2014. 1-456
Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft
, 日本物理学会
, 日本流体力学会
, Humboldt-Foundation Japan East
, JSPS-Club (Federation of the German former Alumni of the JSPS-Scholarship scheme)