J-GLOBAL ID:200901046541816834
更新日: 2024年04月17日 星 浩司
ホシ コウジ | Kouji Hoshi
所属機関・部署: 職名:
その他の所属(所属・部署名・職名) (1件): 研究キーワード (1件):
論文 (34件): -
H星 浩司, HR. On the unified analysis of three types of relative clause construction in Japanese, and on the “salient reading” of the internally headed type. A reply to Erlewine & Gould (2016).(with Alexander Grosu). Glossa: a journal of general linguistics. 2018. 3. 1-16
H星 浩司, HR. Merge and labeling as descent with modification of categorization: A neo-Lennebergian approach. Biolinguistics. 2018. 12. 39-54
H星 浩司, HR. Lenneberg’s contributions to the biology of language and child aphasiology: Resonation and brain rhythmicity as key mechanisms. Biolinguistics. 2017. 11.SI. 83-113
H星 浩司, HR. Architecture of human language from the perspective of a case of childhood aphasia-Landau-Kleffner syndrome. Architecture of human language from the perspective of a case of childhood aphasia-Landau-Kleffner syndrome. (with Kyoko Miyazato). Biolinguistics. 2016. 10. 136-196
H星 浩司, HR. Japanese internally headed relatives: Their distinctness from potentially homophonous constructions. (with Alexander Grosu). Glossa: a journal of general linguistics. 2016. 1. 1-31
もっと見る 書籍 (2件): - 言語学への扉
慶應義塾大学出版会 2006
- 英語II
慶応義塾大学出版会 2000
講演・口頭発表等 (21件): -
A defense of four properties of Japanese internally headed relative constructions. (with Alexander Grosu)
(The 28th Colloquium on Generative Grammar 2018)
In search of the origins of Merge, labeling (, and the lexicon) in the evolution of the faculty of language: A neo-Lennebergian approach.
(The workshop on Merge and Labeling. The 90th General Meeting of the English Literary Society of Japan 2018)
Japanese IHRCs: Quantificational disclosure, E-type anaphora, and the pitfalls of homophony.(with Alexander Grosu)
(The international workshop on internally-headed relatives. 2012)
(日本言語学会第135回大会 2007)
On the Nature of Focus Feature Organization: Toward a Unified Account of the Additive Mo 'Also'
(The 78th General Meeting of the English Literary Society of Japan 2006)
もっと見る 学歴 (3件): - 1995 - 1995 ロチェスター大学 言語学科
- 1990 - 1990 獨協大学 外国語学研究科
- 1988 - 1988 獨協大学 外国語学部
学位 (1件): 経歴 (4件): - 2008/04 - 現在 大学教授(経済学部)
- 1996/04 - 現在 大学助教授(経済学部)
- 1999/10 - 2001/09 大学通信教育部学習指導副主任
- 1997/10 - 1999/09 大学通信教育部学習指導副主任