研究キーワード (5件):
, 機械要素
, 設計工学
, Machine Elements and Tribology
, Design Engineering
MISC (20件):
圧力容器ねじプラグの軸方向荷重集中係数の研究. 1994. 15
Investigation on Coetficient of Load Concentration along Thread Axis in Screw Plug of Pressure Cylinder. Proceeding of the Second China/Japan International Symposium on Fasteners. 1994. 15
圧力容器カバープレートの簡易解析法. 1993. 2. 557
Simple Method for Analysis of Bolted Cover Plate of a Pressure Vessel. Proceedings of the First China/Japan International Sympsum on Machine Elements. 1993. 2. 557