1990 - Improving the quality of students as pre-service teachers with special empasis on empirical learning
1985 - 理科教育改善のための実験装置の開発
1985 - Development of experimental apparatus to improve science education
1970 - 核4重極共鳴による構造相転移の研究
1970 - NQR studies on phase transition
Studies on practicing integration studies
Studies on phase transition
Development of experimental methods to improve Science education
MISC (56件):
軸丸 勇士, 藤井 弘也, 中崎 眞由美, 山下 茂, 大岩 幸太郎. A Device for Scientific Experiment to Assist Schoolchildren to Understand and Natural Science and Its Making in Cooperation with the University. The research bulletin of the faculty of education, Oita University. 2003. 25. 2. 287-296
The Actual Conditions at Primary School Found out by Analyzing the Results of Questionnaires on the Teaching of Science. The research bulletin of attached research and guidance center for classroom teaching, Oita University. 2003. 20. 63-71
How a University Should Contribute to Social Education and Extracurricular Teaching in Cooperation with a Community. The research bulletin of research center for lifelong learning, Oita University. 2003. 3. 33-46
軸丸 勇士, 藤井 弘也, 山下 茂 [他]. The actual academic conditions of science students in the faculty of education. The research bulletin of the faculty of education, Oita University. 2003. 25. 1. 169-178
Field studies and out-of-school lessons in cooperation with municipal boards of education. Studies in curriculum research and development. 2003. 21, 215-229
A Study on the Teaching Materials to be Used for the Secondary School Science Experiments Available by the Remote Control Operation Based on the Web Base
2002 - 2003