2001 - 2005 Development and differentiation of hematopoiesis in ES cells.
2000 - 2005 遺伝性血小板機能異常症の遺伝子解析
2000 - 2005 Gene analysis of congenital thrombopathy
1989 - 2005 原爆被爆者におけるM-蛋白血症の臨床疫学
1989 - 2005 Clinical epidemiology of M-proteinemia in Atomic bomb survivors.
Study on the mechanisms of idiopatic thrombocytopenic purpura
Study on megakaryocyte poiesis
Study on platelet membrane receptor and the mechanism of thrombosis
MISC (699件):
FUJIMOTO T-T, KATSUTANI S, SHIMOMURA T, FUJIMURA K. Thrombospondin-bound Integrin-associated Protein(CD47) Physically and Functionally Modifies Integrin αIIbβ3 by Its Extracellular Domain. The J.Biological Chemistry. 2003. 278. 29. 26655-26665
TT Fujimoto, S Katsutani, T Shimomura, K Fujimura. Thrombospondin-bound integrin-associated protein (CD47) physically and functionally modifies integrin alpha(IIb)beta(3) by its extracellular domain. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. 2003. 278. 29. 26655-26665