J-GLOBAL ID:200901048974802296   更新日: 2025年01月10日

山下 年晴

ヤマシタ トシハル | YAMASHITA Toshiharu
職名: 助教
研究分野 (1件): 分子生物学
競争的資金等の研究課題 (2件):
  • 2018 - 2020 膠芽腫の血管co-option・mimicry・低酸素領域の分子機構と標的治療
  • 2005 - 2007 新規bHLH/PAS因子の低酸素応答
論文 (59件):
  • Anggraeni, Neni, Vuong, Cat-Khanh, Silvia, Precella, Fukushige, Mizuho, Yamashita, Toshiharu, Obata-Yasuoka, Mana, Hamada, Hiromi, Ohneda, Osamu. Mesenchymal stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles reduce inflammatory responses to SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza viral proteins via miR-146a/NF-κB pathway. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2024. 14. 1
  • Vuong, Cat-Khanh, Fukushige, Mizuho, Ngo, Nhat-Hoang, Yamashita, Toshiharu, Obata-Yasuoka, Mana, Hamada, Hiromi, Osaka, Motoo, Tsukada, Toru, Hiramatsu, Yuji, Ohneda, Osamu. Extracellular Vesicles Derived from Type 2 Diabetic Mesenchymal Stem Cells Induce Endothelial Mesenchymal Transition under High Glucose Conditions Through the TGFβ/Smad3 Signaling Pathway. Stem cells and development. 2024. 33. 11-12. 262-275
  • Nguyen, Hoai-Nga Thi, Vuong, Cat-Khanh, Fukushige, Mizuho, Usuda, Momoko, Takagi, Liora Kaho, Yamashita, Toshiharu, Obata-Yasuoka, Mana, Hamada, Hiromi, Osaka, Motoo, et al. Extracellular vesicles derived from SARS-CoV-2 M-protein-induced triple negative breast cancer cells promoted the ability of tissue stem cells supporting cancer progression. FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY. 2024. 14
  • Yamashita, Toshiharu, Vuong, Cat-Khanh, Ngo, Nhat-Hoang, Osaka, Motoo, Hiramatsu, Yuji, Ohneda, Osamu. Impairment of HIF-2α Expression Induced the Compensatory Overexpression of the HIF-1α/SDF-1 Axis to Promote Wound Healing. STEM CELLS AND DEVELOPMENT. 2023. 32. 19-20. 592-605
  • Ngo, Nhat-Hoang, Chang, Yun-Hsuan, Khanh, Vuong Ca, Yamashita, Toshiharu, Obata-Yasuoka, Mana, Hamada, Hiromi, Osaka, Motoo, Hiramatsu, Yuji, Ohneda, Osamu. Transformed extracellular vesicles with high angiogenic ability as therapeutics of distal ischemic tissues. FRONTIERS IN CELL AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY. 2022. 10
書籍 (2件):
  • HIFのin vivoモデルによる機能解析
    実験医学 羊土社 2007
  • 環境応答系転写因子の分子機構の解明
    化学工業 2003
講演・口頭発表等 (41件):
  • Renal tubular structure and metabolism revealed by dynamic optical coherence tomography and OCT angiography
    (Dynamics and Fluctuations in Biomedical Photonics XX, Photonics West BiOS)
  • Revealing renal tubular structural metabolism without labeling by functional optical coherence tomography
    (Optics & Photonics Japan 2022)
  • Extracellular vesicles derived from Wharton’s Jelly mesenchymal stem cells inhibit the tumor environment via the miR-125b/HIF1α signaling pathway
    (Tsukuba Global Science Week 2022 2022)
  • Nicotine and SARS-CoV-2 Protein Induce the Malignancy of Lung Cancer Cell. International Student Presentations of Medical and Life Sciences Session.
    (Tsukuba Global Science Week 2022 2022)
  • SARS-CoV-2 M Protein Facilitates Malignant Transformation of Breast Cancer Cells
    (Tsukuba Global Science Week 2022 2022)
学歴 (2件):
  • - 2003 東北大学大学院 理学研究科 化学専攻
  • - 1996 東北大学 理学部 化学科
学位 (1件):
  • 博士(理学) (東北大学)
経歴 (1件):
  • 2003/04 - 2005/03 科学技術振興機構 研究員
委員歴 (2件):
  • 2024/04 - 現在 HBP入試委員
  • 2017/02 - 現在 研究管理指導員
所属学会 (4件):
日本分子生物学会 ,  日本生化学会 ,  日本血液学会 ,  日本癌学会
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