Atsushi Atsuji, Hiroshi Kaneko. Nevanlinna Theory on Infinite Graphs. Computational Methods and Function Theory. 2024
Atsuji Atsushi and Hiroshi Kaneko. A Chip-Firing and a Riemann-Roch Theorem on an Ultrametric Space. Dirichlet Forms and Related Topics. 2022. 23-43
Atsuji Atsushi, Hiroshi Kaneko. A Riemann-Roch Theorem on Infinite Graphs. Advances in Non-Archimedean Analysis and Applications : The p-adic Methodology in STEAM-H. 2021. 297-312
Ryutaro Iijima, Hiroshi Kaneko. CAPACITARY ESTIMATE ON THE SPACE OF ENDS OF TREE BASED ON ORLICZ NORM. Facta Universitatis, Series Physics, Chemistry and Technology. 2017. 14. 3. 120-127
Hiroshi Kaneko. Analysis based on the Dirichlet space theory on some extensions on Qp. Selected topics Mathematical physics. 2005. 114-124
講演・口頭発表等 (19件):
Chip-firing based methods and complex analytical study on discrete space
(研究集会「マルコフ過程と関数論」 2023)
Increase in Sobolev norm induced by composite with normal contraction on an ultrametric space
(International conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birthday of V.S.Vladimirov 2023)
Potential theoretic analogues of complex analytical theory on infinite graphs
(International workshop on Dirichlet forms and related topics 2022)