瀬々倉 玉奈. 養育者間で絵本を読むことの心理学的意義. 京都女子大学発達教育学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Human Development and Education. 2020. 16. 125-132
瀬々倉 玉奈, 大江 文子. 保育者養成課程における親子支援の実践と支援者教育 : 赤ちゃんとの接触・育児経験に関する調査結果をもとに. 京都女子大学発達教育学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Human Development and Education. 2019. 15. 121-129
Towards Partnership of Early Home-visiting Services by Maternal and Child Health Sector and by Child Welfare Sector in Japan; what is the problem and how can it be resolved?
(World Association for Infant Mental Health 14th World Congress 2014)