2007 - Bile acid intake enhances noradrenaline-induced Ca2+ signaling and thermogenesis in brown adipocytes of high fat-fed mice
論文 (13件):
Ryotaro Hayato, Takaya Matsumoto, Y Yoko Higure. Ca2+ Depletion in the ER Causes Store-Operated Ca2+ Entry via the TRPC6 Channel in Mouse Brown Adipocytes. Physiological Research. 2024. 73. 1. 69-80
松本貴哉, 早戸亮太郎. マウス褐色脂肪細胞におけるノルアドレナリンα作用とβ作用の相互作用. Medical Science Digest. 2022. 633. 214-217
早戸亮太郎. 名古屋学芸大学管理栄養学部におけるICTを活用した遠隔授業基本スタイルの確立. Nagoya Journal of Nutritional Sciences. 2021. 7. 1. 75-80
Ryotaro Hayato. P2X5 receptor is functionally expressed on mouse brown adipocyte and can be a cell surface marker. Nagoya Journal of Nutritional Sciences. 2016. 2. 1. 51-57
HAYATO R. Electrical responses of taste bud cells in mouse fungiform papillae to glutamate applied on their basolateral membranes. Jpn. J. Physiol. 2001. 51. S217