小笠原 南美, 平山 和幸, 十川 聡子, 石栗 陽一. 青森県の慣行防除リンゴ園におけるフツウカブリダニの発生状況と薬剤感受性-Seasonal Occurrence and Pesticide Susceptibility of the Phytoseiid Mite, Typhlodromus vulgaris, in Commercial Apple Orchards in Aomori Prefecture. 北日本病害虫研究会報 = Annual report of the Society of Plant Protection of North Japan / 北日本病害虫研究会 編. 2022. 73. 141-146
Haruna Kazama, Yuto Ohata, Yoichi Ishiguri, Hajime Ono, Naoki Mori, Naoko Yoshinaga. Absolute Stereochemistry of TXIB, a Bioactive Plasticizer That Inhibits Oviposition of the Peach Fruit Moth, Carposina sasakii (Lepidoptera: Carposinidae). Journal of Chemical Ecology. 2022
Yuto Ohata, Yuuki Tetsumoto, Sayo Morita, Naoki Mori, Yoichi Ishiguri, Naoko Yoshinaga. Triterpenes induced by young apple fruits in response to herbivore attack. Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry. 2021. 85. 7. 1594-1601