Hiroshi Saito. Time, the Calendar, and Centralized Power in Japan: Relying on the Research of Yoshiro Okada. JAPANESE SOCIETY AND CULTURE. 2022. 4. 61-68
Hiroshi Saito. An International Legal Consideration of the Issues on Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems Including Nanomachine: A Perspective of International Law Studies in Japan. JAPANESE SOCIETY AND CULTURE. 2021. 3. 55-69
Hiroshi Saito. Why the Territorial Dispute between Japan and China cannot be Resolved. JAPANESE SOCIETY AND CULTURE. 2020. 2. 47-51
Japanese Modernization and the Thought of Kano Jigoro: in Comparison with the Thought of Inoue Enryo
(International Symposium: Ca' Foscari, Univversity of Venice, Department of Asian and North Afrecan Studies 2015)
International Society for the Study of Time (ISST)(国際時間学会)
, 憲法学会
, 日本法政学会
, 防衛法学会
, 日本空法学会
, International Institute of Space Law(国際宇宙法学会)
, 日本国際法学会
, 日本法哲学会