Development of Forest Stands and Population and community ecology of forests
論文 (35件):
Kamruzzaman, M, S. Ahmed, S. Paul, M.M. Rahman, A. Osawa. Stand structure and carbon storage in the oligohaline zone of the Sundarbans mangrove forest, Bangladesh. Forest Science and Technology. 2018. 14. 23-28
Nakahata, R, A. Osawa. Patterns of fine root dynamics after soil disturbance evaluated with a root scanner method for stands of ctpress and deciduous oak. Plant and Soil. 2017. 419. 467-486
Tran Van Do, T. Sato, A. Osawa, T.T. Nguyen. Estimating fine root decomposition, mortality and production in tropical forests of Vietnam. International Workshop, Monitoring of Forest Ecosystems: Where do we stand?. 2013
Several-decadal oscillation in Arctic climate and aboveground biomass anomaly in circumpolar boreal forests. International Workshop, Monitoring of Forest Ecosystems: Where do we stand?. 2013
Sampling and analysis for carbon pool and flow by the ecological approach
京都大学出版会 2013
Succession of Secondary Forest in Vietnam, succession process of secondary forest on fallow land in Northwestern Vietnam
Lambert Academic Publishing 2012
Reconstructing historical changes in forest structure and carbon dynamics of boreal forests
(A seminar given at Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand 2012)
Reconstructing historical changes in forest structure and carbon dynamics
(A seminar given at Faculty of Forestry, University of Helsinki 2012)
Forest structure and carbon dynamics under the changing climate
(A seminar given at Wood Buffalo National Park Headquarters, Fort Smith, NWT, Canada 2012)
Fine root dynamics with soil core technique: summary of available approaches and introduction of a new one.
(A seminar given at Institute of Ecology, Tallinn University, Estonia 2012)
Reconstructing structure of a forest landscape and carbon dynamics in a Nordic transect
(A seminar given at METLA (Finnish Forest Research Institute) Joensuu, Finland 2012)
- 1986 Yale University Graduate School Forestry&Environmental studies Forest Ecology
- 1978 名古屋大学 農学部 林学科
- 1978 名古屋大学
学位 (2件):
哲学博士 (イェール大学大学院(米国))
工学修士 (コーネル大学大学院(米国))
経歴 (3件):
2001 - 2003 龍谷大学国際文化学部 教授
2001 - 2003 Professor, Faculty of Intercultural Communication, Ryukoku University
旧所属 龍谷大学 国際文化学部 国際文化学科 教授
所属学会 (11件):
Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society
, New York Academy of Sciences
, 日本林学会
, 日本生態学会
, 日本植物学会
, アメリカ林業学会
, アメリカ生態学会
, Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society
, New York Academy of Sciences
, Society of American Foresters
, Ecological Society of America