J-GLOBAL ID:200901056501709534
更新日: 2020年05月06日 武田 勝行
タケダ カツユキ | Takeda Katsuyuki
所属機関・部署: 職名:
(現在下記へ留学中) Division of Cell Biology Department of Pediatrics National Jewish Medical and Research Center
研究分野 (2件):
, 内科学一般
研究キーワード (4件):
, 内科学一般
, Respiratory Disease
, Internal Medicine
競争的資金等の研究課題 (2件): - 気管支喘息におけるFcrレセプターの役割について
- Fanction of Fcr receptor in bronchial asthma.
MISC (9件): -
M Lahn, A Kanehio, K Takeda, A Joetham, J Schwarze, G Kohler, R O'Brien, EW Gelfand, W Born. Negative regulation of airway responsiveness that is dependent on gamma delta T cells and independent of alpha beta T cells. NATURE MEDICINE. 1999. 5. 10. 1150-1156
G Cieslewicz, A Tomkinson, A Adler, C Duez, J Schwarze, K Takeda, KA Larson, JJ Lee, CG Irvin, EW Gelfand. The late, but not early, asthmatic response is dependent on IL-5 and correlates with eosinophil infiltration. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION. 1999. 104. 3. 301-308
- T Ishizuka, K Chayama, K Takeda, E Hamelmann, N Terada, GM Keller, GL Johnson, EW Gelfand. Mitogen-activated protein kinase activation through Fc epsilon receptor I and stem cell factor receptor is differentially regulated by phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and calcineurin in mouse bone marrow-derived mast cells. JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY. 1999. 162. 4. 2087-2094
Anti-CD86(B7.2)treatment abolishes allergic airway hyperresponsiveness in mice. American Journal for Respiratory Critical Care Medicine. 1999. 151. (5P+1). 1638-1643
- Development of Eusinophilic Airway Inflammation and Airway Hyperresponsiveness Requires Interleakin-5 but not Immunuglobulin E or B lymphocytes. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 1999. 21. 4. 480-489
もっと見る 学歴 (2件): - - 1984 鳥取大学 医学部 医学科
- - 1984 鳥取大学
学位 (1件): 受賞 (1件): 所属学会 (6件):
, Asthma and Immunoligy
, American Academy of Allirgy
, American Thoracic Society
, 日本呼吸器学会
, 日本アレルギー学会