- 1998 - 2003 静岡大学理学部教授
- 1998 - 2003 Professor, Faculty of Science, Shizuoka University
- 1989 - 1998 静岡大学理学部助教授
- 1989 - 1998 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science, Shizuoka University
- 1980 - 1989 静岡大学理学部助手
- 1980 - 1989 Research Associate, Faculty of Science, Shizuoka University
- 1978 - 1980 英国アバディーン大学研究員(海外研修)
- 1978 - 1980 Research Fellow, Department of Chemistry, Aberdeen University, U. K.
- 1968 - 1978 静岡大学理学部助手
- 1968 - 1978 Research Associate, Faculty of Science, Shizuoka University