Aotani, N, Sugino, N, Fraser, S, Koga, Y, Shojima, K. An asymmetrical network model of the Japanese EFL learner’s mental lexicon. Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 2017. 20. 2. 95-108
Sugino, N, Yamakawa, K, Ohba, H, Shojima, K, Shimizu, Y, Nakano, M. Characterising individual learners on an empirically-developed can-do system: An application of Latent Rank Theory. Perspectives on individual characteristics and foreign language education. 2012. 131-150
Ohba, H, Yamakawa, K, Shimizu, Y, Sugino, N, Nakano, M. What can Latent Rank Theory contribute to SLA research?. Proceedings of The JACET 51st International Convention. 2012. 156-163.
Sugino, N, Shojima, K. An application of latent rank theory in developing a can-do chart of Japanese EFL learners. 『英語教育学研究』. 2012. 3. 21-30.
Sugino, N, Fraser, S, Aotani, N, Shojima, K, Koga, Y. 【研究ノート】Capturing and representing asymmetries in Japanese EFL learners’ mental lexicon: A preliminary report. 広島大学英語教育学会『英語教育学研究』. 2015. 6. 21-30
書籍 (1件):
ピアソン・エデュケーション 2003
講演・口頭発表等 (67件):
A preliminary analysis of learners’ lexical network changes
(The 17th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education 2019)
Disciplinary differences in lexical co-occurrence patterns
(ALAA 2018 2018)
A comparison between L2 learners’ conceptions of their vocabulary network and visualized representations obtained from a directional statistics model.
(The Applied Linguistics Conference. 2017)
Vocabulary demands of academic papers from a lexical network perspective.
(CAES International Conference: Faces of English 2: Teaching and Researching Academic and Professional English. 2017)
An investigation into how learning strategies affect the mental lexicon of L2 learners.
(The 7th Centre for Language Studies International Conference 2016)