Tomoya Suzuki. Universal basic income, time inconsistency and saving regret. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy. 2024. 29. 4. 2007-2022
鈴木 智也. フィッシャー仮説の再検証 : 佐竹光彦教授を偲んで-Testing the Fisher Hypothesis Revisited : In Memory of Professor Mitsuhiko Satake-佐竹光彦教授追悼論文集. 経済学論叢. 2023. 75. 2・3. 383-404
Tomoya Suzuki. Destination choice of asylum applicants in Europe from three conflict-affected countries. Migration and Development. 2022. 11. 3. 1016-1028
Tomoya Suzuki. Basic income, wealth inequality and welfare: A proposed case in New Zealand. Economic Analysis and Policy. 2021. 72. 118-128
Tomoya Suzuki. Counterfactual Inflation Targeting in Nepal. South Asian Journal of Macroeconomics and Public Finance. 2019. 8. 2. 97-117