1985 - 2006 Computer Application to School Education
1980 - 2006 重症心身障害児者のコミュニケーション・ツールの開発
1980 - 2006 Development of Talking-Communication-Aid for Very Severe Handicapped People
1970 - 2006 レーザー光を用いた水晶振動子の振動モードの解析
1970 - 2006 Analysis of oscillating modes of Quants Resonator by means of Laser
Using Information Technology in Region of Hokkaido
Applicaion of High Technology for Handicapped People
Information Technology of Education
Research and Development of Quartz Resonator
MISC (169件):
山形 積治, 佐藤 由佳, 石上 保和. A Test Classwork of Physics Lesson by the Mathematica Soft Ware at A High School. Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training. 2003. 4. 4. 1-7