Determination of algebraic number fields with minimum discriminants
Finiteness Problem of Galris representations
L-functions of φ-sheaves
Galois 表現
論文 (7件):
Dohoon Choi, Yuichiro Taguchi. On the Hecke fields of Galois representations. BULLETIN OF THE LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. 2016. 48. 813-821
Yoshiyasu Ozeki, Yuichiro Taguchi. On Congruences of Galois Representations of Number Fields. PUBLICATIONS OF THE RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES. 2014. 50. 2. 287-306
Yusuke Kubo, Yuichiro Taguchi. A generalization of a theorem of Imai and its applications to Iwasawa theory. MATHEMATISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT. 2013. 275. 3-4. 1181-1195
Hiranouchi Toshiro, Taguchi Yuichiro. Flat modules and grobner bases over truncated discrete valuation rings (Japan-Korea joint seminar on number theory and related topics 2008). Interdisciplinary Information Sciences. 2010. 16. 1. 33-37
Hyunsuk Moon, Yuichiro Taguchi. On the finiteness and non-existence of certain mod 2 Galois representations of quadratic fields. DIOPHANTINE ANALYSIS AND RELATED FIELDS - DARF 2007/2008. 2008. 976. 169-+
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