2003 - Dynamic Behabior of Composite Laminated Cylindrical Shells
2000 - 切り欠きをもつ帯板の衝撃強度
2000 - Impact Strength of the Strip with a Notch
1996 - 衝撃荷重を受ける構造部材の塑性及び弾性捩り
1996 - 平板継手における衝撃応力の干渉
1996 - 衝撃荷重を受けるはりの塑性及び弾性曲げ
1996 - Impact Plastic and Elastic Torsion of Structural Member
1996 - Interference of Impact stress for the jointed two strips
1996 - Impact Plastic and Elastic Bending of Beam
MISC (45件):
Influence of microscopic defect near a crack-tip on the stressconcertration. Strenght, Fracture and Complexity, An International Journal. 2003. 1, 2, 101-108
宇田 和史, 狩野 芳郎. Formula-SAE Project at the Kanagawa-Institute of Technology. Journal of Japan Society for Design Engineering. 2003. 38. 2. 58-64
Influence of microscopic defect near a crack-tip on the stressconcertration. Strenght, Fracture and Complexity, An International Journal. 2003. 1, 2, 101-108