J-GLOBAL ID:200901063561822000
更新日: 2022年09月26日 日浦 啓全
ヒウラ ヒロマサ | Hiura Hiromasa
所属機関・部署: 職名:
ホームページURL (1件): http://www.fs.kochi-u.ac.jp/erosion 研究キーワード (2件):
, erosion control engineering
競争的資金等の研究課題 (6件): MISC (43件): -
Comparative Investigation of clay minerals on clays In contact with slip surfaces In active slides occurring In defferent adjacent geological environments. Proceedings of the 10th ICFL. 6-16 September, In Poland. 2002. 123-128
Effects of thinning on runoff and observation of the wash-load from a small mountainous watershed. Proceedings of the International Congress "INTERPRAEVENT 2002 In the Pacific Rim". 2002. 67-78
Influence of the land use changes on the sediment yield and landscape In the upper stream region of Shimanto River. Proceedings of the International Congress "INTERPRAEVENT 2002 In the Pacific Rim". 2002. 23-32
Estimation of veins of groundwater related to slope failures by the Investigation of soil and ground water temperature In landslide mass at Zentoku, Shikoku Island, Southwest Japan. Proceedings of the International Congress "INTERPRAEVENT 2002 In the Pacific Rim". 2002. 515-524
Study on the creating warning and evacuating system from landslide disaster In use of the data of observation system. Proceedings of the International Congress "INTERPRAEVENT 2002 In the Pacific Rim". 2002. 695-704
もっと見る 書籍 (7件): - Forecasting phenomena of coming of debris flow and their experimental confirmation
Proc. Interpr(]E88D2[)vent 2000 2000
- Monitoring of Slope Deformation in Lishou Landslide, Xian, China
Proc. 8th Int. Symp. on Landslide 2000
- Investigation on the groundwater distribution in a crystalline schist landslide, Shikoku Island, Japan
Proc. 8th International Symp. on Landslide 2000
- The mechanism of creep movement caused by landslide activity and underground erosion in crystalline schist, Zentoku, Shikoku, Japan
BALKEMA, Proc. Int. Symp. on Slope Stability Engineering, Is-Shikoku 1999
- The movements and the countermeasures of the 'Choja Landslide'
Landslides(Proc. 9th ICFL)pub. ; BALKEMA 1999
もっと見る 学歴 (4件): - - 1971 京都大学 農学研究科 林学
- - 1971 京都大学
- - 1966 京都府立大学 農学部 林学
- - 1966 京都府立大学
学位 (1件): 経歴 (6件): 委員歴 (2件): - 2000 - 2001 砂防学会 理事
- 1998 - 1999 地すべり学会 国際部役員,運営委員・国際部委員・関西支部運営委員,関西支部長
所属学会 (5件):
, 地すべり学会
, 地盤工学会
, 林学会
, 砂防学会