研究キーワード (1件):
言語文化学, 多文化共生, 言語習得とセカンド・アイデンティティ, 異文化接触, ESP(English for Specific Purposes), ICT(Information and Communication Technology), 経済連携協定(EPA :Economic Partnership Agreement)異文化マネージメント
Miki SUEHIRO. International Exchange Program during COVID-19: The Positive Aspects of Virtual Learning Considering the Future of Studying Abroad. Proceedings of International Seminar 2021 : Coping with the "New Normal" and the Promotion of International Exchange. 2022. 3-9
末弘美樹. Daisetz T.Suzuki’s Encounters with Foreign Culture and English Language. ANNALS OF “DIMITRIE CANTEMIR” CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY LINGUISTICS, LITERATURE AND METHODOLOGY OF TEACHING. 2021. XXI. 1. 110-132
末弘美樹. Shifting Names and Multiple Identities A Cross-Cultural Perspective on the Use of Japanese Names in Other Languages. Dimitrie Cantemir" University's 'Annals of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature' special issue. 2020. 18. 1. 111-123
末弘美樹. Revitalizing the Japan-Indonesia Economic Partnership Agreement: The Role of E-Learning and English as an Intervention Language. 兵庫県立大学 人文論集. 2018. 54. 35-48
International Exchange Program during COVOD-19: Revitalization of COIL Education, Virtual Learning, and Studying Abroad
(Center for Global Research Initiatives in University of Hyogo 2022)
International Exchange Program during COVOD-19: The Positive Aspects of Virtual Learning towards the Future of Studying Abroad Program- a Case Study of University of Hyogo-
(International Excahnge During COVID-19's -Post Vaccination World: Osaka University 2021)
For Students Abroad Wishing to Study in Japan - An “Immersive-Style” University Guide via VR Becomes a Reality
How Many Names Do you Have? - A Cross-cultural Perspective on the Use of Japanese Names in Other Languages-
(Japan: Pre-modern, Modern, and Contemporary” in Dimitrie Cantemirucharest, Christian University, Bucharest (Romania). 2019)
2015/09 - The Association for the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia (TEFLIN) One of the five TEFLIN selected paper writers at the 62nd TEFLIN International Conference 2015 English for a Global Solution: a Case Study of Indonesia and Japan
2000 - 大阪大学出版会 出版刊行助成
所属学会 (4件):
, Language and Culture