“From Power Politics to Common Security: The Asia Pacific’s Roadmap to Peace”. Tatsushi Arai, Shihoko Goto, and Zheng Wang (eds. ) , Clash of National Identities: China, Japan, and the East China Sea Te r r i t o r i a l Dispute, pp. 56-67 W o o d r o w W i l s o n International Center for Scholars, Washington DC. 2013. 56-67
"Six Faces of Article 9: Demystification and Reconstruction"
(International Symposium "Japan's Peace Constitution at a Crossroads: 70 years after its making" 2016)
2016/01 - Peace Studies Association of Japan President
2016/01 - 日本平和学会 会長
2014/01 - 2015/12 Peace Studies Association of Japan Chair of Program Committee
2014/01 - 2015/12 日本平和学会 企画委員長
2010/07 - 2014/07 Asia Pacific Peace Research Association Secretary-General
2012/01 - 2013/12 Peace Studies Association of Japan Chair of Overseas Committee
2012/01 - 2013/12 日本平和学会 渉外委員長
2013/01 - Asian Journal of Peacebuilding Member of the Editorial Board
2006/01 - Peace Studies Association of Japan Council Member
2006/01 - 日本平和学会 理事
2003/10 - 2005/07 Science Council of Japan, National Committee for Peace Research Co-Chair
2003/10 - 2005/07 日本学術会議・平和問題研究連絡委員会 幹事
所属学会 (10件):
, 日米法学会
, 国際人権法学会
, 憲法理論研究会
, 全国憲法研究会
, 日本公法学会
, Peace and Justice Studies Association
, Asia Pacific Peace Research Association
, International Peace Research Association
, 日本平和学会