Zenta Nishio, Masatomo Kurushima, Takeshi Suzuki, Seiji Shimoda, Tomoyoshi Hirota. Effects of Temperature, Precipitation, and Sunshine on Cold-Tolerant Wheat Yield Under Warming Trends: A 20-Year Study in Hokkaido, Japan. Plants. 2024. 13. 22
Zenta NISHIO, Minoru MIHARA, Yoshitomo HIDESHIMA, Tomoyoshi HIROTA. Precipitation Patterns Reducing Wheat Yield in Northern Kyushu Since 2000. Japanese Journal of Crop Science. 2024. 93. 3. 195-208
Shimoda S, Terasawa Y, Nishio Z. Improving wheat productivity reveals an emerging yield gap associated with short-term change in atmospheric humidity. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2022. 312. 15. 108710