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- 2002 - 脊髄損傷後の神経再生能
- 2002 - Recovery of Nervous Tissue After Spinal Cord
- 2002 - Recovery of Nervous Tissue After Spinal Cord
- 1997 - 術中画像の開発、CTによる
- 1997 - Intraoperative Image by 3D-CT
- 1997 - Intraoperative Image by 3D-CT
- 1990 - 脳腫瘍の成長解析
- 1972 - 脳腫瘍の免疫組織学的・電顕的研究
- 頭部外傷後下垂体機能不全の改善
- Proliferative Index in Brain Tumor
- Angiogenesis in Malignant Glioma
- Immunohistochemical and Ultrastructural study of Brain Tumor
- Proliferative Index in Brain Tumor
- Angiogenesis in Malignant Glioma
- Immunohistochemical and Ultrastructural study of Brain Tumor