Ultrastructure, molecular phylogeny and taxonomy of algae and protists
論文 (74件):
Aika Yamaguchi, Mona Hoppenrath, Shauna Murray, Anna Liza Kretzschmar, Takeo Horiguchi, Kevin C Wakeman. Morphology and molecular phylogeny of the benthic dinoflagellates (Dinophyceae, Peridiniales) Amphidiniopsis crumena n. sp. and Amphidiniopsis nileribanjensis n. sp. European journal of protistology. 2022. 87. 125940-125940
Koh Yokouchi, Koji Suzuki, Takeo Horiguchi. Comparative analyses of nutritional strategies among the species within the genus Paragymnodinium (Gymnodiniales, Dinophyceae). Journal of Phycology. 2022
Koh Yokouchi, Davis Iritani, Kay Hian Lim, Yong Heng Phua, Takeo Horiguchi, Kevin C Wakeman. Description of an Enigmatic Alveolate, Platyproteum noduliferae n. sp., and Reconstruction of its Flagellar Apparatus. Protist. 2022. 173. 3. 125878-125878
Davis Iritani, Jonathan C Banks, Stephen C Webb, Andrew Fidler, Takeo Horiguchi, Kevin C Wakeman. New gregarine species (Apicomplexa) from tunicates show an evolutionary history of host switching and suggest a problem with the systematics of Lankesteria and Lecudina. Journal of invertebrate pathology. 2021. 183. 107622-107622
Koh Yokouchi, Takeo Horiguchi. Paragymnodinium verecundum sp. nov. (Gymnodiniales, Dinophyceae), a new species of mixotrophic dinoflagellate from Japan. PHYCOLOGICAL RESEARCH. 2021. 69. 2. 124-136