J-GLOBAL ID:200901066952626824
更新日: 2024年09月19日 鈴木 猛
スズキ タケル | Suzuki Takeru
所属機関・部署: 職名:
ホームページURL (1件): http://t-eigokakyouzairon.jimdo.com/ 研究キーワード (3件):
, 統語論と意味の接点
, 生成文法理論
競争的資金等の研究課題 (1件): MISC (24件): -
Suzuki Takeru. Root PathPP Small Clauses in English : Developmental Origins of Path-Related Constructions. JELS 日本英語学会大会・国際春季フォーラム研究発表論文集 : papers from the Conference and from the International Spring Forum of the English Linguistic Society of Japan. 2017. 34. 179-185
Suzuki Takeru. Verbs of Apparent accomplishment in Japanese. 慶応義塾大学言語文化研究所紀要. 2016. 47. 77-86
Not So Simple as Ik- Sounds: Verbs of Motion and Purpose -Ni in Japanese. MIT Working Papers in Linguistics. 2015. 76. 327-332
Tomio Hirose, Takeru Suzuki. Two systems of counting:Two sorts of complement. The Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the CLS. 2014. 46. 1. 179-193
No Place/Goal Ps in Argument Positions in Japanese: Directed Motion as Change of Location. MIT Working Papers in Linguistics. 2013. 67. 343-348
もっと見る 書籍 (9件): - An Enterprise in the Cognitive Science of Language: A Festschrift for Yukio Otsu
- Empirical and Theoretical Investigations into Language
Kaitakusha (Tokyo) 2003
- [最新]英語構文事典
大修館書店(東京) 2001
- A Theory of Lexical Functors : Light Heads in the Lexicon and the Syntax
Hituzi Syobo (Tokyo) 1999
- Studies in English Linguistics : A Festschrift for Akira Ota on the Occasion of His Eightieth Birthday.
Taishukan (Tokyo) 1997
もっと見る 講演・口頭発表等 (13件): -
(日本英文学会中部支部大会 2017)
Root PathPP Small Clauses in English: The Developmental Origins of Path-Related Constructions
(日本英語学会 2016)
Semantic Case -O and Concealed Conatives in Japanese
(The 10th International Workshop on Theoretical East Asian Linguistics 2015)
Resultative/Progressive -te-i: The ingressive meaning of the perfective form and its implications in Japanese
(WAFL10 2014)
Not so Simple as Ik- Sounds: Verbs of Motion and Purpose Ni in Japanese
(WAFL 9 2013)
もっと見る Works (2件): -
学歴 (2件): - - 1998 ブリティッシュ・コロンビア大学大学院 言語学
- - 1984 東京学芸大学 教育学部 中等教育教員養成課程英語
学位 (2件): - Doctor of Philosophy (ブリティッシュ・コロンビア大学)
- 教育学修士 (東京学芸大学)