2003 - Development of New Electron Diffraction Method for Identification of Crystal Chirality
2001 - 新規高性能熱電変換材料の開発
2001 - Development of New Thermoelectric Materials
1997 - 水素吸蔵合金における水素侵入機構
1997 - Hydrogen Penetration Mechanisms in Hydrogen Storage Materials
1995 - 高融点シリサイド基材料の高強度高靭性化
1995 - Strengthening and toughening of silicide-based alloys
1990 - titanium aluminidesの変形機構
1990 - Deformation mechanisms of titanium aluminides
論文 (459件):
Le Li, Jun-Ping Du, Shigenobu Ogata, Haruyuki Inui. Variation of first pop-in loads in nanoindentation to detect chemical short-range ordering in the equiatomic Cr-Co-Ni medium-entropy alloy. Acta Materialia. 2024. 269. 119775-119775
Tomohito Tsuru, Shu Han, Shutaro Matsuura, Zhenghao Chen, Kyosuke Kishida, Ivan Iobzenko, Satish I. Rao, Christopher Woodward, Easo P. George, Haruyuki Inui. Intrinsic factors responsible for brittle versus ductile nature of refractory high-entropy alloys. Nature Communications. 2024. 15. 1
Kyosuke Kishida, Mitsuhiro Ito, Haruyuki Inui, Martin Heilmaier, Gunther Eggeler. On the inherent strength of Cr23C6 with the complex face-centered cubic D84 structure. Acta Materialia. 2024
Kyosuke Kishida, Mutsumi Morisaki, Mitsuhiro Ito, Zhi Wang, Haruyuki Inui. Room-temperature deformation of single crystals of WC investigated by micropillar compression. Acta Materialia. 2023
Zhi Wang, Le Li, Zhenghao Chen, Koretaka Yuge, Kyosuke Kishida, Haruyuki Inui, Martin Heilmaier. A new route to achieve high strength and high ductility compositions in Cr-Co-Ni-based medium-entropy alloys: A predictive model connecting theoretical calculations and experimental measurements. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2023. 959
Haruyuki Inui, Kyosuke Kishida, Le Li, Anna Maria Manzoni, Sebastian Haas, Uwe Glatzel. Uniaxial mechanical properties of face-centered cubic single- and multiphase high-entropy alloys. MRS Bulletin. 2022. 47. 2. 168-174
Haruyuki Inui, Kyosuke Kishida, Zhenghao Chen. Recent Progress in Our Understanding of Phase Stability, Atomic Structures and Mechanical and Functional Properties of High-Entropy Alloys. Materials Transactions. 2022. 63. 3. 394-401