What kind of support do EPA care workers in Japan need? - From an educational perspective.
(The 11th Hong Kong International Nursing Forum 2022)
The effects of an oral function improvement program involving chewy kelp texture for local elderly Japanese people: A pilot study
(The 29th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension 2022)
Overseas Care Workers in Japan: Situation, Challenges and Future Directions
(The 11th Hong Kong International Nursing Forum 2021)
Assessment of a Sensory Evaluation Test to Select Suitable Chewy Solid Foods for Community-Dwelling Older Japanese
(International Conference on Food Science, Technology and Nutritional Science 2019)
Evaluation of Training Program on End-of-life Care through Community-based Services in Japan
(The International Research Conference 2019 2019)
, 日本認知症ケア学会
, 日本老年看護学会
, 日本老年医学会
, 日本地域看護学会
, 日本医学看護学教育学会
, 日本リハビリテーション看護学会
, 日本摂食嚥下リハビリテーション学会
, The Society for Nursing and Health Sciences
, 山口医学会
, Sigma Theta Tau International
, 日本看護協会