The relationship between experiential learning capability related to performance management system and performance in the public sector
(43rd Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association in Bucharest 2021)
(日本会計研究学会 2019)
(京都大学管理会計研究会 2018)
The moderating effects of management accounting capabilities on the relationship between contemporary performance measurement systems and organizational performance
(11th Conference of the Performance Measurement Association, Performance Measurement and Management in a Globally Networked World, Warsaw, Poland 2018)
2021/11 - 日本組織会計学会 学会賞(論文賞) Impact of Co-Developing Performance Measures with Employees on Organization Performance: A Survey of Local Governments in Japan
2020/09 - 早稲田大学 2020年度春学期ティーチングアワード総長賞 管理会計I(1)
2019/03 - 武蔵大学 2019年度学生が選ぶベストティーチャー賞
2018/09 - Performance Measurement and Management in a Globally Networked World Highly commended academic paper award of the 11th conference of the Performance Measurement Association The moderating effects of management accounting capabilities on the relationship between contemporary performance measurement systems and organizational performance