研究キーワード (5件):
, 動物生理・代謝
, Structure of Organism
, Morphology
, Animal Physiology and Metabolism
競争的資金等の研究課題 (6件):
The endocrine control system of the functional hermaphroditism of the slug
Effect of environmental pollutant on terrestrial slug
The immunity system of the slug
MISC (18件):
Histochemical and ultrastructual analyses of the epithelial cells of the body surface skin from the terrestrial slug, Incilaria fruhstorperi. Zool. sci. 2000. 26. 63-70
A pure bred strain of the garden slug, Deroceras reticulatus developed by self-fertilization.(共著). Develop.Comp.Immunol. 1999. 23. 689-707
Infiltration of macrophages cytotoxic against allografts of Molluscs.(共著). Develop.Comp.Immunol. 1999. 23. 689-707
Rejection of xenografts from the terrestrial slug, Incilaria fruhstorferi.(共著). Develop.Comp.Immunol. 1999. 23. 689-707