Hybrid approach for turbulent flow computations(共著)
Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements IX WIT Press 1999
Periodic Fluctuation of Shock Wares in Transonic Cascade Flows
Unsterdy Aerodynamics and Aeroelasticity of Turbomachines, Kluwer Academic Publishers 1998
Shock osillation on an airfoil in transonic flow and its suppression
Proceedings of Fourth KSME-JSME Fluids Engineering Conference, JSME 1998
Periodic Fluctuation of Shock Waves in Transonic Cascade Flows
Unsteady Aerodynamics and Aeroelasticity of Turbomachines, Kluwer Academic Publishers 1998
Aerodynamic Instability of Transonic Cascade with Shock Movement(共著)
Proceedings of 12th International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines,AIAA 1995