石原 孝二. 臨床心理学・最新研究レポート シーズン3(第12回)ピアサポート・オープンダイアローグ : オープンダイアローグの研究動向 : Razzaque R & Stockmann T (2016) An introduction to peer-supported open dialogue in mental healthcare. BJPsych Advances 22-5 ; 348-356. 臨床心理学 = Japanese journal of clinical psychology. 2018. 18. 4. 493-498
Philosophy of mental disorders: Diagnosis in Dialogical Approaches
(International Workshop on Philosophy of Psychiatry 2018)
Rethinking Phenomenological Psychopathology and Common Sense
(The 8th International conference of PEACE (Phenomenology in East Asian Circle Seoul National University, Nov. 30-Dec.2, 2018 2018)
Development and Challenges of the Open Dialogue Approach in Japan.
(International Open Dialogue Research Collaboration (IODRC). 26th and 27th of February 2018. UCL, London 2018)
(日本家族研究・家族療法学会第34回つくば大会 2017)
Tojisha-Kenkyu and the Open Dialogue Approach: A Comparative Study.
(The 17th Biennial Conference of The ISTP (International Society for Theoretical Psychology), August 21 - August 25, 2017 2017)