研究キーワード (6件):
, 地下水工学
, 環境地盤工学
, Environmental Influence Accessment
, Groundwater Engineering
, Environmental Geotechnology
国際地盤工学数値解析学会(International Association for Computer Methods And Advances in Geomechanics)
, 東南アジア地盤工学会(Southeast Asian Geotechnical Society)
, 日本応用地質学会
, 日本地下水学会
, 地盤工学会
, 土木学会
, International Assocciation for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics
, Southeast Asian Geotechnical Society
, Japanese Society of Engineering Geology
, Japanese Association of Groundwater Hydrology
, The Japanese Geotechnical Society
, Japan Society of Civil Engineers