2004 - Influence of metabolic disorders in dairy cow on reproductive performance in postpartum
2004 - Interactive regulatory mechanism of oocyte and ovarian follicle development
1998 - 1999 哺乳動物卵子の体外成熟に及ぼす細胞増殖因子の影響に関する研究
Improvement of reproductive performance of dairy cow in postpartum
論文 (126件):
Naoya Matsumoto, Jumpei Tomiyasu, Kyogo Hagino, Motozumi Matsui, Yojiro Yanagawa. Contraceptive effect of a gonadotropin-releasing hormone vaccine on captive male brown bears (Ursus arctos). Reproduction in domestic animals = Zuchthygiene. 2024. 59. 9. e14707
Bui Dung Van, Haneda Shingo, Matsui Motozumi. The relationship between accessory corpus luteum maintenance and pregnancy-specific protein B in pregnant Japanese Black cows. Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research. 2024. 72. 1. 1-12
Akira Goto, Nanako Yoshida, Ken Nakada, Yoichi Inoue, Keiichi Hisaeda, Toshio Inaba, Nanami Domoto, Yuki Ishiguro, Megumi Itoh, Eiji Takahashi, et al. Efficiency of immunocastration with an anti-gonadotropin-releasing hormone vaccine on cryptorchid bulls. The Journal of veterinary medical science. 2023
Akira Goto, Koh Hayama, Manami Urakawa, Yoshio Oono, Ken Hazano, Mitsunori Kayano, Shingo Haneda, Ken Nakada, Motozumi Matsui. Effect of the locational relationship between the 1st wave dominant follicle and the corpus luteum on conception rate after embryo transfer: data analysis of 297 embryo transfers from a commercial embryo production program. Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society. 2022. 73. 1. 3635-3640
Akira Goto, Koh Hayama, Manami Urakawa, Yoshio Oono, Ken Hazano, Mitsunori Kayano, Shingo Haneda, Ken Nakada, Yrjö Tapio Gröhn, Motozumi Matsui. Fertility risk factors in transferring Japanese Black embryos into dairy heifers: An epidemiological study. Veterinary and animal science. 2021. 13. 100193-100193
, 日本獣医学会
, 日本繁殖生物学会
, アメリカ生殖学会
, The Japanese Society of Veterinary Science
, The Japanese Society of Animal Reproduction
, Society for Study of Reproduction