研究キーワード (7件):
, 談話分析
, 音声言語
, 日本語教育
, speech
, Discourse Analysis
, Japanese Language Education
競争的資金等の研究課題 (6件):
2010 - 2013 日本語母語話者の口頭能力測定
Listening Strategies
Development of Communicative Competence of Japanese University Students
Text Structure of Japanese
MISC (33件):
Problems in Lisning Comprehension for Advanced Level Japanese Learners:Through Analysis of Verbal Protocol. Korean Journal of Japanese Language and Literature, The Japanese Language and Literature Association of Korea. 2003. 17. 213-228
A Practical Report of the Classroom Activities Using "Shinsyo Library". Basic Research on the Development and Utilization of a Self-Study System for Reading in a Foreign Language. 2003. 193-200
Difference in Reading Comprehension between Two Different Types of Texts: Where Writers' Opinion is Implicit and Explicit-Using Written Protocol by Advanced Japanese Learners. Basic Research on the Development and Utilization of a Self-study System for Reading in a Foreign Language. 2003. 97-106
Problems in Reading Comprehension for Advanced Level Japanese Learners: Through Analysis of Verbal Protocol. Basic Research on the Development and Vtilization of a Self-study System for Reading in a Foreign Language. 2003. 87-95
1998 - 1999 Graduate School of Nagoy University, Research
1995 - 1998 愛知教育大学 非常勤講師
1995 - 1998 愛知教育大学
1990 - 1993 三重大学人文学部一般教育 非常勤講師
1990 - 1993 三重大学
1984 - 1993 名古屋大学総合言語センター 非常勤講師
1984 - 1993 Nagoya University, Part-time Instructer
委員歴 (3件):
2000 - 2004 日本語教育方法研究会 中部地区委員
2000 - 2001 第2言語習得研究会 編集委員
2001 - 第2言語習得研究会 事務局長
所属学会 (11件):
, 韓国日本語文学会
, 豪州日本研究学会
, 第2言語習得研究会
, 日本語教育方法研究会
, 異文化間教育学会
, 日本音声学会
, 日本言語教育学会
, Japanese Language Education Methods
, The Japanese Language and Literature Association of Korea
, Japanese Studies Association of Australia