On familial aggregation of serum concentration of Lp(a) and apo(a) phenotype
Familial aggregation and sequential change of serum concentration of cholesterol-Sequential changes of total cholesterol and high density lipoprotein cholesterol in school children-
On familial aggregation of serum concentrations of cholesterol, apolipoprotein and body mass index
論文 (23件):
笠巻 純一, 宮西 邦夫, 笠原 賀子, 松本 裕史, 西田 順一, 渋倉 崇行. 女子学生の栄養摂取状況に影響を及ぼす居住形態と食行動 : 1年間の縦断調査結果の分析から. Health and behavior sciences : the Journal of the Japanese Society of Health and Behavior Sciences. 2019. 18. 1. 13-29