研究キーワード (6件):
, 教育心理学
, 発違心理学
, Study on Emotions
, Educational Psychology
, Developmental Psychology
競争的資金等の研究課題 (7件):
2003 - 親の行動と子どものパーソナリティ形成
1995 - 幼児とコンピュータ
Computer for small children
Study of parent-child relationship
Study of Attitude Change
MISC (40件):
親子間パーソナリティ一致度の研究. 大阪芸術大学短期大学部紀要. 2004. 28. 73-86
An Analytic Study of Personality in a Child and Parent. Journal of Osaka University of Arts Junion College. 2004. 28. 73-86
An Analytic Study of Practice Teaching by Prospective Teachers and Fieldwork in Nursery Care. Journal of Osaka University of Arts Junior College. 2003. 27, 141-151
Development and Practice of Computer-Integrated Early Childhood Curriculum. A report of 1999-2001(No.11680294) Grant-in-Aid for Scientitic Research by Ministry Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology(MEXY). 2002. 1, 1-228