ハベル ジエフリー キング. Smoke and Mirrors: A View of the Entrance Examination Controversy in Japan(発表). 3rd SCALAR conference and Symposium, UCLA (SCALAR: Southern California Association for Language Assessment Research. 2000
ハベル ジエフリー キング. (書評)Measuring Second Language Performance by T.MC Namura. JALT(全国語学教育学会)Testing and Evaluation SIG SHIKEN (試験) vol.3 no.1. 1999
1996 - 1999 Testing and Evaluation Special Interest Group (TEVAL SIG) JALT, Program Chair, 1996-1999, Coordinator, 2002-2007, Treasurer, 2007-2012
1996 - 1999 Testing and Evaluation Special Interest Group (TEVAL SIG) JALT, Program Chair, 1996-1999, Coordinator, 2002-2007, Treasurer, 2007-2012
1998 - JLTA Trustee, 1998 to present; Chair, Journal Editorial Board, 2006 to 2011, Vice President,2014
1998 - JLTA Trustee, 1998 to present; Chair, Journal Editorial Board, 2006 to 2011, Vice President,2014
所属学会 (7件):
International Language Testing Association
, Japan Language Testing Association
, 大学英語教育学会(JACET)会員
, 全国語学教育学会(JALT)会員
, JALT(全国語学教育学会)東京支部 AMリエゾン係
, International Language Testing Association
, Japan Language Testing Association