Takagi, Kentaro, Ohashi, Kazuharu. Realized flower constancy in bumble bees: optimal foraging strategy balancing cognitive and travel costs and its possible consequences for floral diversity. Biorxiv. 2024
Jirgal, Nina, Ohashi, Kazuharu. Effects of floral symmetry and orientation on the consistency of pollinator entry angle. The Science of Nature (Naturwissenschaften). 2023. 110. 3
Ohashi, Kazuharu, Jürgens, Andreas. Three options are better than two: compensatory nature of different pollination modes in Salix caprea L. Journal of Pollination Ecology. 2021. 28. 75-90
Ohashi, Kazuharu, Juergens, Andreas, Thomson, James D. Trade-off mitigation: a conceptual framework for understanding floral adaptation in multispecies interactions. Biological Reviews. 2021. 96. 5. 2258-2280