Theory of clones in multiple-valued logic functions (semirigidity problems)
MISC (26件):
Some results on the centralizers of monoids in clone theory (H.Machida, M.Miyakawa, I.G.Rosenberg). Proc. 32nd IEEE International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, Boston. 2002. 10-22
Classification of three-valued logical functions. Multiple Valued Logic. 2002. 8(4)473-493
Relations between clones and monoids(H.Machida,M.Miyakawa,I.G.Rosenberg). Proc. 31th International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, Warsaw. 2001. 279-284
Joint canonical fuzzy numbers(共著)
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 1992
学歴 (4件):
- 1968 東京大学 理学系研究科 相関理化学
- 1968 東京大学
- 1966 東京大学 教養学部 基礎科学科
- 1966 東京大学
学位 (2件):
工学博士 (大阪大学)
委員歴 (1件):
1995 - 2001 多値論理研究会 委員
受賞 (2件):
2002 - Outstanding Paper Award (for the paper "Some results oncentralizers on clone theory") at 32nd IEEE International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, Boston, 2002 co-authored by H.Machida and I.G.Rosenberg, IEEE Computer Society.
2002 - Outstanding Paper Awarad ("Some results on centralizers of monoids inclone theory") at 32nd IEEE International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, Boston, 2002 (co-authored by H.Machida and I.G. Rosenberg), IEEE Computer Society.