研究キーワード (17件):
, 比較文学
, マルチスピーシーズ研究
, エコクリティシズム
, 絵本
, 現代美術
, 現代文学
, 動物表象
, おとぎ話
, British literature
, comparative literature
, animal studies
, ecocriticism
, studies of representation and culture
, fairy-tale studies
, イギリス文学
, 表象文化論
競争的資金等の研究課題 (4件):
2020 - 2023 動物と語り直す世界ーおとぎ話文化研究から考える多種共生社会
2018 - 2022 グローバル時代における「寛容性/非寛容性」をめぐるナラティヴ・ポリティクス
2015 - 2018 現代文学・美術にみるおとぎ話の表象
2015 - 2018 自然観の東西比較
論文 (15件):
Weronika Kostecha, Cristina Bacchilega, Anne Duggan, Pauline Greenhill, and Mayako Murai. Fairy-Tale Heroines of the (non)Mass Imagination: Interview Conducted by Weronika Kostecka. Filoteknos. 2022. 12. 387-397
Mayako Murai. Costume and Fairy Tales. Studies in Costume & Performance. 2022. 7. 2. 179-182
Mayako Murai. Entangled Paths: Post-Anthropocentric Picturebook Retellings of "Little Red Riding Hood". Green Letters: Studies in Ecocriticism. 2021. 25. 1. 1-14
Mayako Murai and John Parham. Introduction: Enchanted Environments. Green Letters: Studies in Ecocriticism. 2021. 25. 2. 107-114
Mayako Murai. Sewing Wedding Dresses for Interspecies Marriage: Tomoko Kōnoike's Reimagining of Animal Bridegroom Tales after the Tōhoku Earthquake. ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment. 2019. 26. 3. 780-792
Making a Multispecies Fairy-Tale Library
(Narrating the Multispecies World: Stories in Times of Crises, Loss, Hope 2023)
(Festival of the Fantastic 2022)
Stitching Wonder Workshop
(Storymakers in Contemporary Japanese Art 2022)
Storymakers Curators Talk
(Storymakers in Contemporary Japanese Art 2022)
Storymaking in Contemporary Japanese Art: A Practice-Based Exploration of the Intersections of Folk Narrative and the Visual Arts
(International Society for Folk Narrative Research Interim Congress 2022)