Variation in body size of individuals at sexual maturity among local populations of a freshwater prawn ┣DBMacrobrachium nipponense(/)-┫DB. Crustacean Research. 2000. 29. 20-26
Variation in body size of individuals at sexual maturity among local populations of a freshwater prawn ┣DBMacrobrachium nipponense(/)-┫DB. Crustacean Research. 2000. 29. 20-26
Amphipod association in the surf belt of Lake Baikal. Biodiversity, Phylogeny and Environment in Lake Baikal. 1998. 45-60
Insight into the mechanism of speciation in gammarid crustaceans of Lake Baikal using a population genetic approaches
Ancient Lakes, Academic Press 2000
Changes of the Lake Baikal level and run off direction in the Quternary
Lake Baikal : A mirror in time and space for understanding global changes 2000
Genetic differentiation of gammarid populations in relation to past environmental changes
Lake Baikal : A mirron in time and space for understanding global changes 2000
Insight into the mechanism of speciation in gammarid crustaceans of Lake Baikal using a population genetic approaches
Ancient Lakes, Academic Press 2000
Changes of the Lake Baikal level and run off direction in the Quternary
Lake Baikal : A mirror in time and space for understanding global changes 2000
, 個体群生態学会
, 日本陸水学会
, 日本甲殻類学会
, 日本生態学会
, 国際応用陸水学会(International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology)
, 日本動物学会
, 生物進化学会(The Society for the Study of Evolution)
, 甲殻類学会(The Crustacean Society)