Mitch Hendrickson, Ea Darith, Chhay Rachna, Yukitsugu Tabata, Phon Kaseka, Stéphanie Leroy, Yuni Sato, Armand Desbat. Crafting With Fire. 2023
Peter Grave, Lisa Kealhofer, Miriam T. Stark, Darith Ea, Rachna Chhay, Ben Marsh, Kaseka Phon, Hiroshi Sugiyama, Yukitsugu Tabata, Yuni Sato, et al. Angkorian Khmer stoneware: production and provenance. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 2021. 40. 103231-103231
The Veal Kok Treas Kilns I, An Archaeological Investigation at a Brown-Glazed Stoneware Production Center in Cambodia
Institute for Cultural Heritage, Waseda University 2021
Archaeological Investigation at the Bang Nongsa Site in Southern Laos
Institute for Cultural Heritage, Waseda University 2020
Progress Report on Archaeological Research at Kok Dei Chhnang, Koh Ker site
(The 9th Plenary Session of the International Coordinating Committee for Preah Vihear (ICC-PV) 2024)
International Framework for Safeguarding Cultural Heritage: A Case Study in Southeast Asia
(International Workshop "Studies on Middle Eastern Heritage Science" 2024)
(第13回アジア考古学合同講演会 2024)
(第2回東南アジア学会教育社会連携研究会 2024)
Ancient Sotneware Production at the Koh Ker:Archaeological Investigation at the Kok Dei Chhnang Kiln from Jan. to Feb. 2022
(The 7th Technical Session of the International Coordinating Committee for Preah Vihear 2022)