Diana Kartika, Kazuo Kuroda. Implications for Teacher Training and Support for Inclusive Education: Empirical Evidence from Cambodia. The SAGE Handbook of Inclusion and Diversity in Education, 446-467. 2019
Kazuo Kuroda, Miki Sugimura, Yuto Kitamura, Asada Sarah. Internationalization of Higher Education and Student Mobility in Japan and Asia. Background paper prepared for the 2019 Global Education Monitoring Report: Migration, displacement and education: Building bridges, not walls, UNESCO and JICA Research Institute 2018. 2018
Yuriko Kameyama, Kazuo Kuroda, Yuji Utsumi, Yuka Hosoi. Teacher and Parental Perspectives of Barriers for Inclusive and Quality Education in Mongolia. JICA-RI Working Paper. 2018. 159. 1-68
Kazuo Kuroda, Diana Kartika, Yuto Kitamura. Implications for Teacher Training and Support for Inclusive Education in Cambodia: An Empirical Case Study in a Developing Country. JICA-RI Working Paper. 2017. 148. 1-49
Kazuo Kuroda. Regionalization of higher education in Asia. The Palgrave Handbook of Asia Pacific Higher Education. 2016. 141-156
Asian Regional Cooperation of Higher Education - How can the Chinese and Japanese universities collaboratively contribute to the development of a community with a shared future for mankind?
(Xiamen University Humanities and Social Sciences International Forum 2021)
Regional Report: Japan
(Asia-Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE) Conference 2021)
Regional Governance and Cooperation of Higher Education in Northeast and Southeast Asia
(2020 Online Forum on Education Cooperation in South & Southeast Asia organized by Yunnan Provincial Department of Education, China 2020)
International Higher Education in the Post- Corona World
(RECSIE Special Webinar Series: What can we do? International education during the Covid-19 pandemic(Online)Series V : Covid-19 and Paradigm Shift of International Education 2020)
2009/03 - 現在 World Council of Comparative Education Societies (WCCES) Member of Research Standing Committee
2008/11 - 現在 国際開発学会 理事
2008/10 - 現在 早稲田大学 国際教育協力研究所所長
2008/07 - 現在 外務省 国際教育協力連絡協議会構成員
2008 - 現在 Africa Asia University Dialogue for Educational Development Coordinator of Waseda University
2004/04 - 現在 筑波大学 教育開発国際協力研究センター 学外共同研究員
2004/01 - 現在 International Journal of Educational Development Member of International Editorial Board
2001/07 - 現在 Pan-African Studies and Research Center in International Relations and Education for Development, Abidjan Member of the Board of Directors
2016 - UNESCO Advisory Board Member, UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report
2016 - 文部科学省 科学技術・学術政策審議会国際戦略委員会 委員
2014/05 - 2015/03 Comparative and International Education Society Advisory Committee Member, 2015 Annual Conference
2014 - 2015 アフリカ教育研究フォーラム 『アフリカ教育研究』編集委員長
2011/07 - 2014/03 日本学術振興会 大学の世界展開力強化事業審査部会委員
2013 - 2014 Network of East Asian Thinktanks Member - Working Group on Enhancing People to People Connectivity -Education, Tourism and Cultural Exchange (日本国際フォーラム・外務省委託事業)