研究キーワード (4件):
, 社会経済学
, social regulation
, social economics
競争的資金等の研究課題 (4件):
2008 - 租税制度の進化と政治システムとの関係についての研究
Study on history of economic theory for state theory.
Study on effect of political institution for economic regime.
論文 (2件):
中原 隆幸. “Rethinking John R. Commons’s Theory of Collective Action: The Viewpoint of Regulation and Convention”. Journal of Economic Issues. 2018. 52. 2
構造からレギュラシオンへ. 季刊 経済理論. 2005. 42. 2. 60-70
MISC (29件):
中原 隆幸. For analysis of the fiscal and financial regime in post-war japan : Buidling a circulation model of political and economic accumulation. 四天王寺国際仏教大学紀要. 2005. 0. 40. 95-110