Eduardo Pitti, Noriaki Momma, Yuso Kobara, Toshiyuki Usami, Masahiro Shishido. Antibiosis of Paenibacillus spp. can promote the bactericidal effect of anaerobic soil disinfestation at low temperatures. Journal of General Plant Pathology. 2025
Eduardo Pitti, Noriaki Momma, Yuso Kobara, Toshiyuki Usami, Masahiro Shishido. Paenibacillus spp. may facilitate anaerobic soil disinfestation at low temperatures. Journal of General Plant Pathology. 2024. 90. 6. 344-352
Akari Oya, Toshiyuki Usami. Polymorphic microsatellite markers for genetic analysis of Berkeleyomyces rouxiae, a causal agent of black root rot. Journal of General Plant Pathology. 2024. 90. 6. 293-297
Sarah Remi Ibiang, Toshiyuki Usami, Kazunori Sakamoto, Young Bassey Ibiang. Lettuce tolerance to Verticillium wilt after inoculation with Penicillium pinophilum and Rhizophagus intraradices. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology. 2023. 102171-102171
2017/10 - Asian Mycological Congress 2017 Best Poster Presentation Award A new species of Plectospharella isolated from leaf and spathe spot of calla lily
2015/07 - 17th International Conference on Biological Inorganic Chemistry, Poster Award Fungal Isolates with Different Pathotypes Show Distinct Levels of SOD1 Activity Controlled by Copper Chaperone