Interchain hydrogen bonds in cellulose-poly(vinyl alcohol) characterized by differential scanning calorimetry and solid-state NMR analyses using cellulose model compounds. (共著)
American Chemical Society 1998
Interchain hydrogen bonds in cellulose-poly(vinyl alcohol) characterized by differential scanning calorimetry and solid-state NMR analyses using cellulose model compounds. (共著)
American Chemical Society 1998
講演・口頭発表等 (26件):
Chemical modification of poly(ethylene terephthalate) fabric by means of γ-irradiation
(日本化学会 第96春季年会 2016)
Development of the aromatic wooden teaching material using compress-recovery process
(Inter-Academia Asia : The 2nd Conference, Young researchers Conference, Edu -P19 2015)
The behavior of Komagataeibacter xylinus on the coated NOC surfaces
(Inter-Academia Asia : The 2nd Conference, Young researchers Conference, Agri -P13 2015)