Fumihiko Tsumura. “Tattoos for Beauty and Magic: An Anthropological Study of the Sakyan Tattoo in Thailand”. Journal of the Faculty of Foreign Studies. 2020. 3. 21-35
Something Rises: The Bodily Experience of Possession and Magical Powers in Northeastern Thailand
(International Symposium: Affecting Spiritual Healing Re-Making (Alternative) Worlds, Kyoto University, Kyoto 2024)
Anthropological Analysis of Requiem Services for Dolls in Modern Japan
(The 19th International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences ICS-HUSO-2024, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand 2024)
“Re-engaging the World by Hermit's Tattooing: Religious Practice of Reusi in Northeastern Thailand”
(The 19th IUAES-WAU World Anthropology Congress 2023 2023)
, 東南アジア学会
, 日本タイ学会
, 日本文化人類学会
, Japan Association for African Studies
, Japanese Society for Southeast Asian History
, The Japanese Society of Thai Studies
, Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology