2024/01/20 - 次世代光フォーラム2024 in 徳島 最優秀賞 次世代移動通信に向けたOOK信号伝送によるアイパターンの評価
2023/03/05 - pLED International symposium 2023: Exploring Invisible Light Technology Best Student Poster Award: 2nd Position Second-harmonic generation polarization microscopy to analyze ultra-early-stage liver fibrosis in human non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
2023/03/05 - pLED International symposium 2023: Exploring Invisible Light Technology Best Student Poster Award: 1st Position Fundamental study on optical heterodyned terahertz detection using optical-comb-injection-locked dual-wavelength laser light and electro- optic polymer modulator
2023/02/04 - 次世代光フォーラム2023 in 徳島 優秀賞 金属と近接を必要としないリモートプラスモニック増強ラマン分光法における銀ナノ粒子の効果
2023/02/04 - 次世代光フォーラム2023 in 徳島 奨励賞 光コムを用いた透過型ステージ走査型顕微鏡によるマルチパラメーター評価
2021/12/15 - 応用物理学会 2021年度フォトニクス奨励賞 Full-field fluorescence lifetime dual-comb microscopy using spectral mapping and frequency multiplexing of dual-comb optical beats
2018/04/28 - BISC 2018 The Best Poster Award In situ monitoring of incised wound healing in animal model using second-harmonic-generation and third-harmonic-generation microscopy
2018/04/28 - BISC 2018 The Best Paper Award Quantitative evaluation of healing degree in injured tendons based on orientation analysis of collagen fibers by using Fourier-transform second-harmonic-generation microscopy and its relationship to mechanical property
2018/02/23 - SPIE Photonics West 2018/BiOS2018 Hamamatsu Best Paper Awards Video-rate confocal phase imaging by use of scan-less dual comb microscopy
2016/02/21 - SPIE The International Society for Optical Engineering Winner of Student Poster Session Competition for the conference on Multiphoton Microscopy in the Biomedical Sciences XVI/BiOS2016 (Photonic West 2016) In vivo time-lapse imaging of skin burn wound healing using second-harmonic generation microscopy
2015/12/08 - The Asian Student Meeting On Photonics & Optics (Asian CORE Student Meeting 2015) Student Poster Presentation Award Adaptive sampling, terahertz dual comb spectroscopy using unstabilized dual lasers
2015/11/15 - Optics & Photonics Japan 2015 第1回OPJ優秀講演賞 光コムを用いたスキャンレス共焦点顕微鏡の開発ー共焦点ラインイメージングへの応用ー
2015/08/26 - CLEO-PR2015 Best Student Paper Award (3rd Prize) Real-Time Absolute Frequency Measurement of CW-THz radiation Based on a Free-Running THz Comb
2015/08/25 - 9th International Conference on Proteoglycans and 10th Pan-Pacific Connective Tissue Societies Symposium Poster Award Correlation between a Skin Characteristics and Quantitative Evaluation using Novel Technic of Non-invasive Collagen-sensitive Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) Microscope
2013/02 - BiOS2013 in SPIE Photonics West 2013 Student Poster Session Competition for the conference on Multiphoton Microscopy in the Biomedical Sciences XIII In vivo imaging of collagen fiber orientation with rapid polarization-resolved SHG microscopy
2012/10/18 - International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemists Congress (IFSCC) IFSCC Basic Research Award Non-invasive in situ assessment of structural alteration of human dermis caused by photo-aging a novel collagen specific imaging technique
2012/10 - International Federation of the Societies of Cosmetic Chemists IFSCC Basic Research Award